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Valery Rose

Pretend City Children’s Museum | Irvine California

Pretend City Children’s Museum ( Irvine California) Encouraging Learning Through Play

water play at Pretend City

The Pretend City Children’s Museum is a place designed to help children explore the world in a safe environment in Irvine California . Also, It’s a child-sized city filled with fun and interactive exhibits and activities that provide an academic and creative foundation for young children.

Furethmore, this organization believes in the importance of monitoring the developmental milestones of young children. All of the activities and events held at Pretend City are geared toward engaging children of all abilities in age-appropriate activities to monitor their progress and foster their greatest potential.

In this blog, we will discuss the events and activities hosted by Pretend City and how to support its mission.

Fire Engine at Pretend City

Events and Activities

There are several different events and activities hosted by Pretend City that aim to support healthy childhood development and create a passion for learning through play.

Baby Steps

Baby Steps is an event held once a month specifically for parents and children 18 months and younger. 

The children are treated to age-appropriate activities that allow them to socialize with little ones within their age group without any distractions from older kids.

Parents are also allowed to ask questions and learn more about their baby’s developmental milestones. This is also a great way for parents of similarly aged children to engage with and learn from each other.

Way to Play Days

Way To Play Days is a Pretend City event held on the second Friday of every month. Parents and caregivers of young children are invited to take part in several fun activities. Therefore parents will learn more about the developmental milestones of their young children.

This activity provides free health check-ups, local child development experts to answer parents’ questions, hourly activities, stories, and tips, as well as fun prizes to be won.

working on a car motor at Pretend City Irvine Ca.

Neurodivergent Family Night

Pretend City recognizes that some children need specialized environments to feel more comfortable. To accommodate families of children on the autism spectrum, every second Tuesday and fourth Thursday of the month is Neurodivergent Family Night. 

This event is designed to allow parents and caregivers of children on the autism spectrum to have fun and socialize in a comfortable and stigma-free environment.


This initiative uses virtual programming to encourage and support healthy child development while at home. This program provides play guides and videos for children from birth to age five and up.

Good To Go

Pretend City has a Good To Go From Head To Toe initiative where parents and caregivers of small children are provided with the support. Also resources, and tools they need to ensure their child’s future success.

Moreover, This program educates families on healthy child development through play. What developmental milestones to expect during the early years, and how to assess their child’s development.

How to Get Involved

Pretend City volunteers and donors make an incredible contribution toward educating young children. Also staff demonstrate for families on the importance of play in children’s development.

Valery Rose Photography

Valery Rose Photography has been granted the honor to collaborate with Pretend City Children’s Museum to provide the organization with Behind the Scenes Images from their events in 2023.

Learn more by visiting their site

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